
How Melody Miya Became a #PurposePioneer

With a new norm upon us as a result of the Corona Virus, it’s become increasingly difficult to try be positive while being met with the realities of job losses, salary cuts and many more opportunities which have been put on pause.

But on the flip side, there’s Melody Miya, who has chosen to use his influence to help keep people positive and feeling hopeful despite the many setbacks that people are faced with. As the Founder of ConquerMIH, he has become one of the most influential South Africans to look out for this year, and it’s no surprise why.

Who is Melody Miya and what is he all about?

I’m a 28-year-old born in Katlehong. I spent half of my years in Durban before coming back to Johannesburg. I’m a bubbly, energetic and forward-thinking individual whose life story has been based on a vision to positively impact the world, to serve greatness and leave a great legacy. I’m a TV and radio personality at 947 and SABC 1’s Daily Thetha, a social entrepreneur, a master of ceremonies and creative mind.

Tell us about the journey of building ConquerMIH to where it is today.

I’ve always wanted to help people but was constantly reminded that I also need to pay my day-to-day bills. I started doing research on how I can help people and one thing I realised, was the influence I had which I could utilise in helping others. My love for motivational talks and work as an MC and Speaker, drove me to creating ConquerMIH. The money I made from the work I did, helped me start charity events for young kids. I particularly chose to focus on the children who difficulties reading and vowed to myself that I’d help them because I knew how far one’s knowledge, as a result of learning, can get them. Growing up, I had experienced the same challenges and had my father to assist me. And I wanted to do the same for other children as well.

The multiple projects we run as the ConquerMIH Foundation are there to bring solutions to those less fortunate than us. The relationships I have built over the years with multiple brands, have enabled me to help them be socially responsible and drive behaviour that looks into helping others or those less fortunate than themselves. As the ConquerMIH Foundation, we have the access to communities who need any form of assistance, and are able to join the two parties through a fruitful relationship of long term social sustainability.

What is your definition of purpose?

Purpose means living a life that lives to serve through ability. Playing your part in a team or someone life showcases you serving your purpose but also allowing your skills and abilities being a form relief to others alleviating strain, pain or discomfort.

What do you see as the cornerstone of your purpose?

My purpose is driven by opportunity – each opportunity experienced has granted me a chance to grow, learn, listen and showcase. In order for my purpose to be seen I need an opportunity or need to create one but vice versa, the opportunity always gives us something. I would love to see more young people being given an opportunity to be great, to experience, to evolve through the lessons. Encouraging kids to reach amplifies opportunities to be functional and have full opportunity in this world.

Who inspires you every day? And why?

My father, Mr Luckyboy Miya, who granted me an opportunity that wasn’t owed to me but he always went out of his way to help me become the best I can be. My dad has been unemployed for over 20 years, but his mentorship and guidance granted me an opportunity to attend great institutions of learning and to change my circumstances.

What has been your biggest achievement through your initiative?

The initiatives we run, namely, the Read-A-Sat and Conquer Games, are some of my greatest achievements. Through these, we were able to continuously impact the lives of young people since the organisation’s inception in 2015. Conquer MIH has also brought on opportunities for unemployed youth to get recruited for remunerated work. Despite it being seasonal, we’re always happy to see lives being transformed as a result of the amazing partnerships we have.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve experienced and how can people help fix them?

There have been multiple challenges faced throughout the years and most notably being consistent funding to run the initiatives. Funding that would be allocated to books, dictionaries, stipends, food, IT infrastructure and general event needs. People may help us by providing consistent assistance to bring each event to fruition and through long term sponsorship, to keep the programs running at the highest quality possible.

With the Corona Virus pandemic, how have you helped young people stay motivated and hopeful during this time?

At ConquerMIH Foundation, we have created online content to help the youth deal with mental health issues. We came up with the following platforms:

BhodlaTV; An Instagram hangout session where 100+ young people share their struggles and how they have survived, and bring experts to guide and advise every Friday and Saturday.

Bhodla TV Church; We created a Christian platform as a Christian to be encouraged as a young Christian by other believers which speaks largely to those who feel displaced and discouraged at this time.

HomeCell Groups, Every Monday evening, we have Zoom sessions with those who need mentorship and guidance in an intimate space.

What motivational words do you have for someone following in your footsteps?

Invest in yourself with everything you have. Your greatness will always start from within and never let temporary failure or delay, distract you from your goal. Let your opportunities find you ready and always have a teachable spirit because no man is an island. Most importantly, believe in yourself. Self doubt is a thief, don’t let it.

For more on Melody’s work, follow him on Twitter @MelodyMiyaVibe

Interview hosted by Nombulelo Fox for The Change Collective Africa.

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Amonge Sinxoto – young, black and proud

To be young, black and proud

It’s no secret that South Africa has so many young activists looking to write their own narratives and ensure they put in the work to create a future that is inclusive and can address societal ills. One such person is Amonge Sinxoto, founder of Blackboard Africa. Her mission is to empower young people so that they too can be confident in their respective spaces and take charge of the problems affecting them on a daily basis.

Tell us about yourself and what you do?

I am Amonge Sinxoto and I’m a 19-year-old International Relations student, Activist, Speaker, Content Creator and most importantly, the Founder of Blackboard Africa.

What led you into social entrepreneurship and creating Blackboard Africa?

My experiences as a young black woman led me here. I started questioning certain parts of my identity while in high school and why my identity wasn’t celebrated. The fact that it was normal for black girls to be treated the way that they were, was such a wake-up call. And I could only imagine how many other black girls were going through the same thing. That journey helped me deep dive into understanding my blackness within the spaces that I was. I want to change that narrative not only for myself, but for other young people as well. Blackboard Africa helped make that a reality for me because it provided a platform where young people can have conversations about African identity and morph that into action through leadership. It was only when I attended the Social Entrepreneurship Forum in Ethiopia, that it opened the door to learning about making Blackboard Africa more sustainable from a business point of view.

With the current global pandemic that is racism, why are movements such as the Black Lives Matter movement particularly important?

Movements such as Black Lives Matter are important because they help people understand the need for change and that people need to start realising how important black lives are. We’ve had countless conversations on why black lives matter and that it’s not a trend. Aspects of our culture have been accepted and adopted because people find it cool globally, so why is it hard for people to acknowledge black lives? It’s appalling that we still have to fight for our place in the world. We are however grateful that movements like BLM have helped us expose all sorts of discrimination and prejudices and use that to emphasise the need for justice everywhere in the world. It’s even more inspiring to see many young people at the forefront of fighting racism.

Of the young people you’ve worked with, how common is the discrimination across this specific demographic?

It’s very common because everyone has a story. A story that speaks about the discrimination of one’s race and gender. I find it particularly scary that black women’s struggles specifically seem to be increasing and it’s also reflective in our society when you look at the many gender-based violence cases that we’re faced with daily as a country. I think that’s why it’s important for organisations such as Blackboard Africa to help young people open up about their experiences and work together to challenge structures and systems in order for drastic changes to be made.

What is the cornerstone of your purpose?

This journey has made me realise that I want to make things better for everyone. To help people realise their power to conquer whatever problem they’re facing. I also want to help shape experiences for the greater good and make young people feel proud of themselves, and ensure that they’re heard.

What leadership tools do you equip young people with to realise their potential?

We emphasise the need for self-development because this helps them find their purpose and identity. Once this has been established, we help with skills such as presentation skills, putting together strategies, and understanding principles of teamwork.

How can South Africans help combat the many social ills in society?

There’s no single solution, but rather multiple ways of eradicating these ills. We need to identify what these problems are and dissect them to focus on one particular issue surrounding whatever cause we’re trying to solve. Placing objectives with each problem also helps us put action behind them. For instance, Blackboard Africa has recognised the rise in gender-based violence cases, and to tackle this problem, we’ve identified the need to educate young boys on GBV so that they too can be allies and educate other boys about this problem. Find what you care about and focus on an area where you can best implement some form of action. If many people do this, the impact becomes greater.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

I hope to leave a legacy where young people can embrace their identity as a result of black pride or African pride in general. I want to see people unleashing their confidence to do better not just for themselves, but the communities they live in and the world as a whole. I want them to know how valuable their voices are.

To find out more about Blackboard Africa, visit and on Instagram @blackboard_africa

Editor: Nombulelo Fox for The Change Collective Africa

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Meet the Minister of Menstruation: Candice Chirwa

Candice Chirwa, has become the voice of change in lifting the burden of menstruation for many girls in several South Africa communities. Known to many as the “Minister of Menstruation”, we caught up with her to find out more about her work as a social entrepreneur.

Purpose Pioneers: Tell us about yourself and what you do.

Candice Chirwa: I am Candice Chirwa and I’m 24 years old. I am a Menstruation activist (aka Minister of Menstruation), author, academic and Founder and Director of my NGO called Qrate.

PP: What led you to starting Qrate and choosing menstrual education as the focal point?

CC: While I was doing my Masters research, I found that a lot of young menstruators, when they first started menstruating, felt like they were going to die due to lack of education. To which Qrate was born and focused on enhancing the critical-thinking skills through the promotion of ‘Eduliftment’ – a tool to help young people apply critical-thinking skills in order to understand their circumstances and explore options open to them through educational content. I then took my love for Dramatic Arts and my academic research, and created these fun and dynamic menstruation workshops for the youth.

What is your definition of purpose?

CC: My definition of purpose is the “why” behind everything that you do. Our why is the purpose, the cause, or the belief that drives people’s passion in life. When we know the why to our life, then the path is very clear and it is very empowering. If you can’t figure out your purpose, then you must figure out your passion. Your passion will eventually lead you to your purpose. Looking at my own purpose, it is built on the foundation of wanting to educate and empower those around me. To utilise what I know and empower young girls so that gender inequality can be dismantled in hopes of building a better society for girls and women to live in.

PP: Who motivates you? And why?

CC: Eartha Kitt. When you read and learn about her wisdom, you cannot stop and be astounded at how she flourished through her career at such a young age when the world looked down at black women. She stood in her own truth and always spoke out against instances of injustice, which is a subject closely related to the work that I do.

PP: Your biggest achievement as an activist?

CC: Qrate won the Best Youth NGO award for 2019 at the Youth Achievers Award but the biggest achievement through the Menstruation Workshops is witnessing the confidence that young girls leave the workshops with after learning about Menstruation.

PP: What challenges have you faced amidst the current global pandemic as an NGO?

CC: Currently, the global pandemic is having an impact on the operational side of the organisation. There isn’t anything we can do until it is safe for social gatherings to happen. We are, however, trying to find a way to create content that is accessible for all.

PP: How are you helping the next generation be more aware of menstrual related issues?

CC: There’s a lot of power in empowering young people about their bodies. Many feel embarrassed to talk about puberty, sex and periods. By hosting these workshops, we create a safe space for young people to learn about periods but most importantly own their bodies. I’ve also realised that a lot of young adults still have a lot of questions and concerns about menstrual health. I create Menstruation Threads on Twitter as a way for people to engage on the topic. My recent collaboration with Lil Lets South Africa, through a platform called Lil-Lets Talk has enabled people to ask questions about periods and help normalise menstruation.

PP: Where do you foresee your work as an activist going in the future?

CC: I want to leave a legacy of having a generation of young people who do not feel afraid to speak openly about puberty, sex and menstruation. I want to leave a legacy behind where young people are able to make socially responsible choices for themselves because they are educated and uplifted.

For more information on these Menstrual Workshops or how you can get involved, follow Qrate on Twitter @Qrate_SA and Candice @Candice_Chirwa.

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Meet South African Artist Chris Soal

Chris Soal is an award-winning, emerging artist living and practicing in Johannesburg. Using unconventional found objects, such as toothpicks and bottle caps, in conjunction with concrete and other industrial materials, Soal negotiates structural impacts on urban living and reflects on ecological concerns. We recently caught up with him to find out about his perspective of purpose.

Purpose Pioneers: Tell us a little bit about what you do.
Chris Soal: I am an artist based in Johannesburg working predominately through sculpture and installation. My work uses unconventional found objects, such as toothpicks and bottle caps, in conjunction with concrete and other industrial materials. Through these materials I try to negotiate structural impacts on urban living and to reflect on ecological concerns, while considering the philosophical and psychological notion of the “self.”
My spatial approach to sculpture engages through a sensitivity to texture, light and form, expressed in an abstract minimalist language. While, conceptually, my works refer to the socio-political context of their making, highlighting the histories embedded in the found material, and utilising them in a way that challenges societal assumptions of value.

PP: What inspired you to start your career?

CS: I had numerous interests and inspirations growing up. My decision to study fine art was inspired by a gap-year I took after finishing high school to work in Surrey at a preparatory school as an assistant. This year was important for me as I travelled around Europe a lot. I think it wasn’t so much the art/architecture that I saw but rather an interaction with young professionals which changed my course. Instead of thinking of a career as a linear path, I met many successful young people who had studied one thing and found their niche as they walked their path. This led me to the conclusion that it didn’t matter so much what you studied but that you would find your way to where you were meant to be. I had prior interests in art and I thought that it would probably be the most difficult, enjoyable, and non-linear path I could start out on. I saw the path of the artist as freedom. And after returning back to South Africa to study, I wanted to see how far I could take it, and I think I’m still on that path.

PP: What advice would you give your 18-year old self?

CS: Inhabit every moment with as much presence as you can bring.
PP: What is your definition of Purpose?

CS: The driving force that enables you to override excuses, doubt and fear. It’s a resolution that gives a reason for action.

PP: What do you see as the cornerstone of YOUR purpose?
CS: My core beliefs. That life is worth living, celebrating and fighting for. That there is meaning to be found, and that I can be a part of encouraging someone else in this path.
PP: What has been the most pioneering / trailblazing moment in your career?

CS: Every moment I put a new work out into the world for the public to engage with. There’s nothing to hide behind in that moment. It’s the bride stripped bare in front of her bachelors (to reference Duchamp)
PP: What challenges are the youth of today facing? How can we fix this?

CS: The question of purpose that you posed earlier is a major one. The underlying structures that once supported existential meaning have been removed systematically from society over the last century and more (for better or worse), and yet no viable, communicable alternative has been provided to society at large. This leaves us in a state of limbo, with no definitive purpose to aim towards. I would encourage the youth to lean into this question personally, and not avoid it. Search for the answers that will give you purpose enough to live with intention.

PP: What specific skills do our next generation need to focus on and how do you think we can close that gap?

CS: I think in an age where almost every form of knowledge is accessible through the internet, the greatest asset or skill is focus. If our next generation can harness that ability to block out all the multiple distractions that present themselves, little will be out of reach. I think artists, designers and architects have a great opportunity here to create spaces that enable and allow for this.
PP: What values and principles are important to live by?

CS: This is territory where it’s difficult not to fall into cliché’s or redundancies, however treating others in the way in which you’d like to be treated is a good start. I think living from a centre of love and grace is the most we can strive for.

PP: How do you think people can live more meaningful and purpose-driven lives?

CS: There are many books of great length written on this and I can’t even begin to address it in such a short format. I don’t have a cheat code to this which can be summed up in a one-liner.
All I can recommend is to start with what is around you, the spaces and people that you can directly impact in the best way you can. It’s become a bit of an internet meme, but if you want to change the world, start by cleaning your room.

PP: Who is your role model and why?

CS: I have life, career, spiritual, and sporting role models, the list is too long to list here. My immediate community is full of individuals who have inspired and challenged me and I’m forever grateful for that. I’m also equally grateful for individuals from the past who were generous enough to share their knowledge and lives through books. Reading has always been a channel for me to reach real models that lifespans did not allow.
PP: What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

CS: A multifaceted one. But for starters, I’d like to inspire those around me through my art and life that nothing and no-one is insignificant, and that value resides in all things. Through my life I’d like to leave those who I engage with the better off for it. I’d like to build up and encourage as opposed to tear down.Original Article


Meet #CauseInfluencer Gloria Nkosi of Hope Worldwide

Our beloved Tata Madiba said that, “History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”

Pause and read that again.

It’s inspiring to meet people like Gloria Nkosi, deputy country director of Hope Worldwide South Africa, whose sole purpose is to make a difference in the everyday lives of South African children – especially in the early phases of their lives especially in the early phases of their lives.

Adding hope with a R2

As one of KFC’s Add Hope beneficiaries, when you add R2 to your KFC meal, Hope Worldwide SA receives a portion of the funds.

“Nutrition is a vital element of a child’s development,” says Nkosi. “When children get adequate nutrition and stimulation, they thrive.”

“I am so grateful for KFC Add Hope’s generosity and that they have such a passion for supporting children. They are our sole partner in terms of nutrition and with their support we are able to help address the nutritional needs of the most vulnerable young children – both at the ECD centres and at home,” she explains.

From teenage volunteer to purpose pioneer

Nkosi’s journey with Hope Worldwide SA goes back to when she was a mere 15 or 16-year-old highschooler. She started working as a volunteer and would use her weekends to go around Johannesburg’s CBD and taxi ranks to distribute pamphlets that explained more about the organisation and HIV prevention and care.

“We would wear our Hope Worldwide SA t-shirts and distribute condoms – at that young age! I was just so excited to serve and help make a difference. I never imagined I would one day work for the organisation,” she recalls.

She finished highschool, got an honours degree and later a job in the corporate world. After some years, Hope Worldwide SA approached her – they knew she was passionate about community-based programmes and serving the needy.

Nkosi says the love for making a difference is what motivates her to do her job. “The fact that I wake up knowing that I’m going to change someone’s life and make sure that a child goes to bed with a full belly inspires me. We truly reach out to the most needy and vulnerable and that contribution I make in the lives of children and families motivates me to go all out and serve them to the best of my ability.”

From 5,000 to 30,000 children

When Nkosi started working at Hope Worldwide SA in 2016, she looked at their capacity in terms of the amount of work the organisation was doing and noticed that the funding was not adequate. The one goal she had was to grow the programmes to a point where they would be able to reach out to more children. When she started, they were reaching roughly 5,000-6,000 children in South Africa with their nutrition programme. Now, four years later, they are reaching over 30,000 children.

“That excites me. It shows me that we can always help more children and we can always find opportunities for more funding,” she says.

“When children thrive, a nation thrives,” says Nkosi. “The R2 people add to their KFC meal is changing people’s lives, I don’t think people realise this. It ensures that over 150,000 children in South Africa don’t go hungry every day. It enables us to make sure they get the nutrition that is necessary for healthy development,” she concludes.

Find the original source here.

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Young Author Determined to Improve Literacy in South Africa

The first thing you notice about Relebogile Mothema, is that she is no ordinary schoolgirl. She might be only 10 years old but there is a wisdom about her that makes you wonder if she is not a creative spirit reborn.

“If more children could learn how to read and write, the world would be a much better place,” she tells you with the solemnity that defies her age. A grade five learner at St Andrews School for Girls in Joburg, Relebogile is one of South Africa’s new breed of aspiring young authors who are endeavouring to turn the tide on literacy in South Africa.

“It’s a good thing that people are starting to think about getting children to read when they are very young,” she says. “When you can’t read or nobody tells you stories, what do you understand about life, who you are and what you need to do to make your life better?”

Her first book, entitled Bizzarcar, published by Bala Books, has caught the imagination of young readers around the country. So too has the storyline which takes grown up views on subjects like obesity and bullying.

“I know about those things,” she says. “I used to eat too much junk food. Of course, I was overweight and used to be bullied because of the way I looked. If I could write a book about what I felt and what I needed to do about eating healthy, I thought it would help other kids.”

“Kids are more aware about junk food and being overweight than adults think,” she says. “Nobody wants to be obese, or likes to be bullied. That’s why I wrote the book. It’s about finding solutions, being kind to yourself and others.”

She says her love of books and reading — “I really like stories like Much Ado About Nothing” — helped her to use her imagination and create. Relebogile started her writing career at aged seven when she was enrolled in a 10-week writing course with Bala Books, a Soweto-based publisher that focuses on young and up-and-coming local writers.

Find the original source here.

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Solly Krok’s Pearls of Wisdom

One of South Africa’s iconic citizens, Solly Krok, has committed to raising R108 million from international and local communities to help feed vulnerable people in South Africa.

Coinciding with his 91st birthday later this week in May, Krok has announced his new venture called Keep the Wolf from the Door as he embarks on a mission to raise funds to address hunger and food insecurity. To achieve this, Solly Krok has partnered with social impact organisations, Afrika Tikkun and Siyakhana by doing a symbolic walk in his Johannesburg suburb to complete walking 91 kilometres in total by Thursday, 4th June 2020. Having started in May, Solly aims to have walked 1 kilometre for every year of his age by this date.

On 4th June, business leaders will join Solly as he completes this milestone, including Marc Lubner of Afrika Tikkun and Professor Michael Rudolph, representing the Siyakhana Initiative and University of Johannesburg (UJ), social distancing maintained. The discussions between Krok and his guests will be themed around education, business and mentoring and will be streamed live on Facebook.

Inspired by Tom Moore, the British army veteran who raised GBP 39 million for charity in the United Kingdom and seeing the devastation that the COVID pandemic is causing in South Africa, Krok knew he had to do something.

“It’s of great concern for me to see the increased poverty that has mushroomed overnight as people are not able to work or support their families. The sad thing is that before the pandemic a large portion of the South African population was already poor and sadly even after the pandemic is quelled by the discovery of a vaccine and medication, the poor will still be poor” said Krok.

“I am determined to make a long-term difference by coupling our program with sustainable food banks” he added.

Not only is Krok known for his multiple business successes and being instrumental in the development of the pharmaceutical industry, but also as the man behind the creation of the iconic Apartheid Museum and for his commitment to philanthropy over the years. From building a school in Soweto to funding various educational institutions, his generosity and kind-heartedness knows no end. In an interview during his 90th birthday celebrations, Krok recalled having asked a Rabbi many years ago what he should teach his children. The Rabbi responded with three pearls of wisdom “Example, example, example!” This is what inspires Solly’s life ethos.

Food Parcels, primarily to support children and the elderly, will be provided with the initial funds raised. A systematic approach to addressing poverty and hunger in poor households and marginalised communities will be developed with community participation. Solly believes that these interventions should be done with a strong sense of unity and collaboration and quotes the words of the three musketeers, “one for all and all for one”.

This inspirational fundraising effort means a great deal coming from a man of his age, who never exercised a day in his life and who has thoughts of forming a ‘camaraderie club’ with fellow global “walk for funds” mates like Sir Tom Moore and others. Contributions to Keep the Wolf from the Door can be made by EFT to the below account. A tax benefit can be enjoyed by corporate donors.

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10 Purpose Pioneering Netflix Shows to Ease Cabin Fever during Covid19

  1. Becoming (2020)

Becoming follows former First Lady Michelle Obama on her 2018-19 tour to promote her memoir of the same name. During her ‘Becoming’ book tour, most often taking place in massive arenas that usually host basketball games or huge concerts, Obama was interviewed by various moderators and she discussed a life that started in a working-class family on the South Side of Chicago, grinding away to an undergrad spot at Princeton, meeting and marrying Barack Obama when they both went to Harvard Law School, her husband’s presidential campaign, and her eight years in the White House.

  1. Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things (2015)

Watch this film to discover why sometimes it’s in the littlest things are where we find true happiness. Minimalism will fuel your life with positive energy and change the way you see the world as people from all walks of life and all industries —from journalists to scientists and even a Wall Street broker—make their case for why less truly is more.

  1. Inn Saei (2016)

Renowned thinkers and spiritualists discuss the Icelandic concept of innsaei enables humans to connect through empathy and intuition .

  1. Tony Robbins – I am not your Guru (2016)

A behind the scenes look of Tony Robbins’ mammoth seminar Date with Destiny, attended by over 2,500 people in Boca Raton, Florida, each year, giving an insider look at how one man can positively impact millions.

  1. Living on One Dollar (2013)

Living on One Dollar is a documentary filmed by four friends who decided to see what it would be like to live in extreme poverty. The friends head to Guatemala for two months and have one dollar a day to survive.

  1. Footprints: The Path of Your Life (2018)

This documentary follows 10 men who agree to walk the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile, 40-day trek that will challenge their strength and faith.

  1. The Theory of Everything (2014)

Eddie Redmayne won a Best Actor Academy Award for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking. At the age of 21, Hawking learned he had motor neuron disease. In the face of incredible odds, Hawking and colleague Jane Wilde broke ground in science and medicine.

  1. Tsotsi (2005)

This South African classic movie has stood the test of time and is still relevant to this day. This Oscar winner is a brutal, affecting film about a young man’s turn from violence to almost incomprehensible generosity.

  1. Kalushi: The Story of Solomon Mahlangu (2016)

The life and times of iconic South African liberation fighter Solomon Mahlangu, who battled the forces of apartheid, come into focus.

  1. Expedition Happiness (2017)

A filmmaker and his musician girlfriend attempt an epic road trip with their dog, traveling across North America in a refurbished school bus.

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Meet 2 South African women who Podcast with Purpose

kwam podcast

Kwam Podcast is a devotion to the experience of young black women in South Africa. The podcast is a safe space for insightful opinions. So often the experiences as women are monolithic. Women are described as strong, as if we can expand without breaking. Not with the Kwam Podcast. It offers dynamic views and subjects ranging from making friends, to the Queen B syndrome and navigating yourself in the work place.

Kwam, is a conversation from two voices: Nqobile Lombo, an Architect, and Lindelwa Mnisi, a lawyer. These two do not account for everyone but offer more colour to a description of young professional females doing their thing.

We at Purpose Pioneers spoke to Lombo on their lively podcast.

  1. Why is it important for young black female professional to be talking to one another?

“I thought I was the only one”

A key area of concern for us is that a lot of young black women experience impostor syndrome and isolation post graduation and entering into the corporate world. Our platform seeks to resolve these two issues primarily by voicing our struggles but also providing valuable strategies we have used. By doing that, we allow young women the space to express their concerns and insecurities which validates them in a way easing the isolation by building community.Ultimately we are having these conversations because they do not exist on many platforms.

  1. What is the importance for black females ‘taking up space’ on digital platforms?

Females are taking up space on digital platforms and we are doing it our own way, that is the beauty of it.

We have been able to create our own agenda with Kwam with no red tape.

From fitness influences @juakhumalo to female coders the social coding @thembiso_m, digital platforms are in a sense empowering us.

  1. Ultimately, what is the purpose you are wanting to achieve with this podcast?

The purpose of the podcast is to create a save space for women to interact with each other,

We want to provide young women with tools we have found helpful in navigating our careers,self-identity and everyday struggles that are often not considered topical but relevant.

  1. What words of encouragement do you have for people who are wanting to start a podcast?

It’s important to be consistent and passionate. We are committed to our careers and recording, editing planning our episodes is a serious passion project. We have approached Kwam as a business and intend on doing so much more.

Our social media

@thekwampodcast – Instagram

@thekwampodcast – Apple podcast

@thekwampodcast – Soundcloud

Listen to Kwam every week – to laugh, to think, to engage, to wonder but mostly to have a girlfriend in your ears after a long day wherever and whenever.

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